Agenda Item
Docket No. 23-058
Withdrawal of an Advisory Opinion request from Erick Knezek regarding whether the Code of Governmental Ethics prohibits an individual from serving as a member of the Lafayette Parish School Board while his wife's law firm represents the Lafayette Parish School System.
Erick Knezek had hoped to run for, and if successful to serve on, the Lafayette Parish School Board ("School Board") District 8 seat in the 2023 election. Mr. Knezek is married to Elena Arcos Knezek. His wife, Ms. Knezek, is the owner of Knezek Law. Ms. Knezek owns 100% of Knezek Law. Knezek Law is an approved law firm representing LPSS in both immigration law and defense litigation matters at the Attorney General approved rates.

Knezek Law currently represents LPSS in several immigration and defense matters. The firm's cases are assigned by the School Board's general counsel, third party administrator (ERMS), and the LPSS risk manager. The majority of the legal fees are paid by ERMS. LPSS directly pays the fees for immigration law matters.Knezek Law wants to continue representing LPSS and the School Board even after Mr. Knezek is elected to the School Board. Mr. Knezek asks whether serving on the School Board would be considered a violation of the Code of Governmental Ethics if his wife's firm continues representing the School Board.

Approve the withdrawal of Mr. Knezek's request for an Advisory Opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Mallory Guillot
2023-058 - AO
2023-058- Withdrawal Email