Agenda Item
Docket No. 23-163
Advisory opinion as from Dr. James Hussey, the Medical Director for the Office of Behavioral Health within Department of Health ("LDH"), regarding contract work following his retirement.
James Hussey (Dr. Hussey) currently serves as the Medical Director for the Louisiana Office of Behavioral Health ("OBH") within LDH. He has served as the Medical Director for OBH since 2016. He has three employees under his direct supervision but he does not have any appointing authority. Dr. Hussey is considering retiring from OBH as early as January 2, 2024 or as late as November 10, 2025. He currently serves as Chairman of the Drug Policy Board's Heroin and Opioid Prevention and Education Advisory Council. He is also appointed as LDH's representative and member of the Opioid Abatement Task Force and the related Corporation. He is a long-standing member of the Medicaid Quality Committee, the Medicaid Statewide Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, and participates in other such entities as the Perinatal Commission. OBH may wish to keep Dr. Hussey aboard after retirement as either a WAE employee or a contracted employee working between 20 and 24 hours per week. Dr. Hussey has also been recruited for part-time contract work in two of the Local Governing Entities/Human Service Districts/Authorities which provide behavioral health services in regions within the state (i.e. not under the direct authority of OBH but still under LDH).

La. R.S. 42:1121B(1) provides that no former public employee shall, for a period of two years following the termination of his public employment, assist another person, for compensation, in a transaction, or in an appearance in connection with a transaction in which such former public employee participated at any time during his public employment and involving the governmental entity by which he was formerly employed, or for a period of two years following termination of his public employment, render, any service which such former public employee had rendered to the agency during the term of his public employment on a contractual basis, regardless of the parties to the contract, to, for, or on behalf of the agency with which he was formerly employed.
Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Mallory Guillot
2023-163 - AO
2023-163- Advisory Opinion Draft - Hussey