Agenda Item
Docket No. 23-384
Request that the Board waive the $1,300 and $700 campaign finance late fees assessed against Mark John Shea, a successful candidate for Judge, Municipal and Traffic Court Division D, Orleans Parish, and his committee's chairperson, Scott P. Shea and treasurer, Erin Stahnke in the November 8, 2022 election, whose Special (48 hour) Reports were filed 13 and 7 days late, respectively.
Melissa Duhon, report preparer for Judge John Shea, requests a waiver and states the following: Judge Shea complied with all the other filing requirements and timely
filed all reports associated with his 2022 campaign for re-election. His history of filing timely dates back to his first campaign and election in 2009. Judge Shea did not willfully or knowingly ignore the filing of this report. It was an oversight and relevant transactions were included on the 10-G report, which was timely filed. Your consideration of the above facts is greatly appreciated.
ELECTION: November 8, 2022
TYPES OF REPORT: 2 Special (48 hour)
DAYS LATE: 13 & 7
ASSESSED FEE: $1,300.00 & $700.00
REPORTS DUE: October 26, 2022
ACTIVITY REPORT: 10/24/22 contributions from The Law Offices of Warren A. Forstall for $1,500.00 (in-kind) and 10/25/22 contributions received from Giby Andry,The Andry Law Firm for $1,500.00 and 10/28/22 contribution from Krystyna O. Doerfler for $5,000.00. Activity identified on 10-G report. Activity identified on 10-G report.

10-G: $39,531.00 in Receipts; $93,773.69 in Expenditures and $0.13 Funds at Close Reporting Period


18:1505.4.A(1) Any candidate, the treasurer or chairman of a political committee, or any other person required to file any reports under this Chapter, who knowingly fails to file or who knowingly fails to timely file any such reports as are required by this Chapter may be assessed a civil penalty for each day until such report is filed.

LAC 52:1205(C) states if a report is filed more than 10 days late and the amount of activity on the report is less than the amount of the late fee to be assessed, the staff may reduce the late fee to the amount of activity or 10 times the per-day penalty, whichever is greater.

Decline to waive
Assigned Attorney: Charles Reeves
2023-384 - CFWaiver Request Special