Agenda Item
Docket No. 23-510
A Request for Advisory Opinion, submitted by Dr. Aimee L. Badeaux, PhD, Director of Doctoral Studies at Northwestern State University, concerning whether the Code of Governmental Ethics ("Code") prohibits Dr. Charles David O'Con from being a guest lecturer while his wife is an assistant professor.
Dr. C. O'Con is a fellowship trained, doctorally prepared, board prepared, board-certified expert in regional anesthesia with over 20 years of clinical experience as a CRNA. He has the desire to provide several lectures as a subject matter expert during the summer 2023 semester as a guest lecturer. The Northwestern State University Doctor of Nursing Practice - Nurse Anesthesia program ("Program") would like to extend an extra services contract to Dr. C. O'Con in the amount of $1,800 ($600/lecture). His wife, Dr. Katrina O'Con, is an assistant professor in the Program, but is not a director or department head.
La. R.S. 42:1113(A)(1)(a) states no public servant, excluding any legislator and any appointed member of any board of commission and any member of a governing authority of a parish with a population of ten thousand or less, or member of such a public servant's immediate family, or legal entity in which he has a controlling interest shall bid on or enter into any contract, subcontract, or other transaction that is under the supervision or jurisdiction of the agency of such public servant.
Adopted the proposed advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: LaToya D. Jordan
2023-510 - AO
2023-510 - Advisory Opinion Draft _ Badeaux