Agenda Item
Docket No. 23-915
Advisory Opinion Request from Benjamin R. Bell, on behalf of the Housing Authority of Jefferson Parish ("HAJP"), as to whether an HAJP Commissioner may participate in certain matters regarding a lawsuit involving an entity in which that Commissioner serves as an officer.
HAJP has a Board of Commissioners composed of 9 members. One of those members is appointed by Marrero Tenants Organization, Inc., a Louisiana non-profit corporation ("MTO"). The resident-appointed member is currently Darin Collins. Mr. Collins also serves as the President of MTO. MTO has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD"), and that litigation is currently pending. As part of the negotiations involved with the litigation, HAJP has been asked by the HUD to take certain actions to accommodate requests made by MTO regarding the Acre Road Housing Project ("Acre Road") maintained by HAJP. The actions requested by HUD would require approval by the HAJP Board of Commissioners. Mr. Collins is the only current tenant of Acre Road.
La. R.S. 42:1112A prohibits a public servant from participating in a transaction involving his governmental entity in which he has a substantial economic interest.

La. R.S. 42:1112B(3) states that no public servant shall participate in a transaction involving the governmental entity in which, to his actual knowledge, any person of which he is an officer, director, trustee, partner, or employee has a substantial economic interest.

La. R.S. 42:1120.4 provides an exception for appointed members of a board or commission to recuse themselves from voting on matters that violate section 1112 of the Code. The appointed members may not discuss and debate the matter.
La. R.S. 42:1102(2)(a)(i) defines "agency" to mean a department, office, division, agency, commission, board, committee, or other organizational unit of a governmental entity.
La. R.S. 42:1102(15) defines "participate" to mean to take part in or to have responsibility for action of a governmental entity or proceeding, personally, as a public servant of the governmental entity, through approval, disapproval, decision, recommendation, the rendering of advice, investigation, or the failure to act or perform a duty.
La. R.S. 42:1102(18)(a) defines "public employee" to mean any person, whether compensated or not who is: (i) an administrative officer or official of a governmental entity who is not filling an elective office; (ii) appointed by any elected official when acting in an official capacity, and the appointment is to a post or position wherein the appointee is to serve the governmental entity or an agency thereof, either as a member of an agency, or as an employee thereof; (iii) engaged in the performance of a governmental function; (iv) under the supervision or authority of an elected official or another employee of the governmental entity.
La. R.S. 42:1102(19) defines "public servant" to mean a public employee or elected official.
La. R.S. 42:1102(21) defines "substantial economic interest" as an economic interest which is of greater benefit to the public servant or other person than to a general class or group of persons, except: (a) the interest that the public servant has in his position, office, rank, salary, per diem, or other matter arising solely from his public employment or office; (b) the that an elected official who is elected to a house, body, or authority has in a position or office of such house, body, or authority which is required to be filled by a member of such house, body, or authority by law, legislative rule, or home rule charter, (c) the interest that a person has as a member of the general public.
Adopt proposed advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Charles Reeves
2023-915 - AO
2023-915 - Advisory Opinion Draft - Bell