Agenda Item
Docket No. 24-194
Advisory Opinion request from Teri Parker, District Captain for Ward Six Fire Protection District No. 1.of Calcasieu Parish regarding her future service as a volunteer firefighter.
Teri Parker is employed as a Firefighter with the rank of District Captain for the Ward Six of the Calcasieu Parish Fire Protection District No. 1. Ms. Parker intends to retire on December 31, 2024. She asks whether she can continue to serve as a volunteer firefighter following the end of her service as District Captain and whether she can receive the normal stipends that are paid to volunteer fire fighters per call ($19) and per training meeting ($20).
La. R.S. 42:1111A(1)(a): No public servant shall receive anything of economic value, other than compensation and benefits from the governmental entity to which he is duly entitled, for the performance of the duties and responsibilities of his office or position.
La. R.S. 42:1121B: No former public employee shall ... for a period of two years following the termination of his public employment, render any service which such former public employee had rendered to the agency during the term of his public employment on a contractual basis, regardless of the parties to the contract, to, for, or on behalf of the agency with which he was formerly employed.
La. R.S. 42:1121E:
For the purposes of Subsections B and C of this Section, termination of public employment or service means the termination of employment with the agency which employed the public employee.
Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: David Bordelon
2024-194 - AO
2024-194 - Advisory Opinion Draft - Parker