Agenda Item
Docket No. 24-271
Advisory Opinion request regarding whether the Code of Governmental Ethics ("Code") permits Danny Myers' business to subcontract on a project for the Cameron Parish Police Jury.
Danny Myers is a Police Juror for Cameron Parish. Mr. Myers began serving his first term on January 8, 2024. Prior to being elected, Mr. Myers had contracted with the Cameron Parish Police Jury on construction/transportation projects. Mr. Myers owns a business that, among other things, transports commercial-industrial scrap.

The Police Jury will be contracting with a qualified, licensed contractor to clean up an area in the marsh known as Black Lake. Mr. Myers and his business want to subcontract to transport the oilfield abandoned equipment for the principal contractor.

In the 2020 census, Cameron Parish had a population of 5,617.

La. R.S. 42:1113A(1)(a) No public servant, excluding any legislator and any appointed member of any board or commission and any member of a governing authority of a parish with a population of ten thousand or less, or member of such a public servant's immediate family, or legal entity in which he has a controlling interest shall bid on or enter into any contract, subcontract, or other transaction that is under the supervision or jurisdiction of the agency of such public servant.

La. R.S. 42:1114A. Other than a legislator, each public servant and each member of his immediate family who derives any thing of economic value, directly, through any transaction involving the agency of such public servant or who derives any thing of economic value of which he may be reasonably expected to know through a person which (1) is regulated by the agency of such public servant, or (2) has bid on or entered into or is in any way financially interested in any contract, subcontract, or any transaction under the supervision or jurisdiction of the agency of such public servant shall disclose the following:

(1) The amount of income or value of any thing of economic value derived;

(2) The nature of the business activity;

(3) Name and address, and relationship to the public servant, if applicable; and

(4) The name and business address of the legal entity, if applicable.

Adopt the proposed Advisory Opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Mallory Guillot
2024-271 - AO
2024-271 - Advisory Opinion Draft - Barrett