Agenda Item
Docket No. 24-534
Request that the Board waive the two (2) $660 for a total of $1,260.00 campaign finance late fees assessed against, Johnell Matthews, an unsuccessful candidate for City Judge, City Court, ES 2E, City of Baton Rouge, in the October 14, 2017 and November 06, 2018 elections, whose two 2023 Supplemental campaign finance disclosure reports were each filed 11 days late. AND Request that the Board waive the $660 campaign finance late fee assessed against Johnell Matthews, a successful candidate for City Judge, City Court, Division C, City of Baton Rouge in the July 11, 2020 election, whose 2023 Supplemental campaign finance disclosure report was 11 days late.
Johnell Matthews requests a waiver and states the following: She was elected as a judge in 2020 and has not collected funds in her campaign account since then. The debts have remained open in the likely event that some extraordinary circumstances would present, and she would have the opportunity to repay the loans. However, she did not complete the report on time and believes there may have been a computer glitch that delayed the report submissions. The campaign fund is insolvent, and no new money has been donated since the elections.
ELECTION: October 24, 2017, November 6, 2018 and July 7, 2020
ASSESSED FEE: $660.00, $660.00 & $660.00
REPORTS DUE: All were due on February 15, 2023
REPORTS FILED: All filed on February 26, 2023


10/14/2017 Election - 23 Suppl: $-0 Receipts; $-0 Expenditures; $1,306.93 Funds on Hand at the Close of Reporting Period. Deficit: $10,363.92

11/04/2019 Election- 23 Suppl: $-0 Receipts; $-0 Expenditures; $3,243.94 Fund on Hand at the Close of Reporting Period. Deficit: $20,924.50

07/11/2020 Election - 40-G: $-.0 Receipts; $-0 Expenditures; $-0 Funds at Close of Reporting Period. Deficit: $132,988.88


10/14/2017 Election: SPEC (13 days late) - $780.00

2019 SUPP (10 days late) - $600.00

11/6/2018 Election: 2019 SUPP (10 days late)$600.00

07/04/2020 Election: EDE-P (3 days late) - $180.00

18:1505.4.A(1) Any candidate, the treasurer or chairman of a political committee, or any other person required to file any reports under this Chapter, who knowingly fails to file or who knowingly fails to timely file any such reports as are required by this Chapter may be assessed a civil penalty for each day until such report is filed.

18:1495.4D(1) If the final report of a candidate for an election, as required by Paragraph (5), (6), or (7)of Subsection B of this Section, shows a deficit or a surplus, the candidate and his treasurer, if any, shall file supplemental reports with the supervisory committee of all information required in R.S. 18:1495.5. Such reports shall be filed annually no later than February fifteenth and shall be complete through the preceding December thirty-first. Such a supplemental report shall be filed each year until a report has been filed which shows no deficit and until any surplus campaign funds have been disposed of in accordance with R.S. 18:1505.2(I). The report on surplus funds shall disclose the disbursement of such funds in the same manner as expenditures are reported.

Decline to waive.

Assigned Attorney: Charles Reeves
2024-534 - Waiver request SUPP2023 Oct 2017