Agenda Item
Docket No. 24-799
Advisory opinion request from the Twin Parish Port District Board of Commissioners regarding the Port's Director also serving as its legal counsel.
The Twin Parish Port District ("Port") is a political subdivision of the State of Louisiana created pursuant to La. R.S. 34:1601, et. seq. It is governed by an appointed board of commissioners ("Port Commission"). The Port Director is the chief administrative officer and spokesperson for the Port. Wendell R. Verrett has served as legal counsel for the Port since 1993. He has also performed various administrative duties for the Port in lieu of a Port Director since that time.

In 2017, the Port entered into a contract with Mr. Verrett to serve as the Port Director for three years, commencing on January 1, 2017, and ending on December 31, 2019. The contract provided that Mr. Verrett's compensation from the Port is based on hourly fee billing at a rate of $45.00 for legal, financial, marketing, engineering, and any other high-level skilled services commensurate with the duties of the Port Director; $30.00 for any administrative, financial, marking, and other medium-level skilled services commensurate with the duties of the Port Director; and $15.00 for any administrative, clerical, record keeping, travel time, low-level meetings, conferences, and communications. The contract also provides that Mr. Verrett's annual billing fees shall not exceed $50,000.00 without prior approval of the Port Commission, exclusive of reasonable expenses. Since the contract expired on December 31, 2019, Mr. Verrett has continued to serve as the Port Director without a contract.

The Port Commission asks whether the Code prohibits Mr. Verrett from serving as both the Port Director and the Port's legal counsel.

Adopt the proposed advisory opinion.
Assigned Attorney: Jessica Meiners
2024-799 - AO
2024-799- Additional Information Email
2024-799- Email re: Port Director Contract
2024-799- Additional Information from Port Commission
2024-799- Advisory Opinion Draft - Broussard