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• <br /> APPROVED AND AGREED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: <br /> BEFORE ME,the undersigned Notary Public, in the Parish of S`r. 1'Y1,4 r�.1 State <br /> of Louisiana,personally came and appeared SHEILA'CHOFLIN,who executed this document in <br /> the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses,after a due reading of the whole,the 8 day <br /> of Z"wwvAe►,1 , 2015. <br /> WITNESSES: <br /> V ' ` <br /> Printed lame: T�+c n,a'9-1‘1.4-4'9'1.- . a i SHEILA CHOPLIN, eR s dent <br /> P <br /> �{ V Clot <br /> IiI ` -5 6w <br /> p.. , <br /> P need ame: MaeSar& Ptlkuhko,.,, <br /> Imo,,- 4.... <br /> Notary Public <br /> Printed Name: LORRI M. 0129 <br /> Notary Public No. or Bar R ifNo' Pli61_iC # 57553 <br /> Commission expires MY COMMISSION IS FO LIFE <br /> Page 6 of <br />