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APPROVED AND AGREED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT <br /> BEFORE ME,the undersigned Notary Public,in the Parish off 9, 7;4444-...1.--" , <br /> State of Louisiana,personally came and appeared Peter Galvan,who executed this document in the <br /> presence of the undersigned competent witnesses,after a due reading of the whole,this 7 <br /> day of / ,2016. <br /> By: <br /> %l ' <br /> / f <br /> Printed N i✓ �4 , .E� i� Peter Galvan <br /> s. <br /> /p` IP. ' 1' <br /> Prin ed fn e: i 1, . 1 &int e <br /> 61(c ---- , <br /> Notary Public ff <br /> Printed Name: 10.4A( � .�`1 'e _ <br /> Notary Public or Bar Roll No. 2_Z..? 1 cf <br /> Commission expires oc -dem <br /> Paul D. Hesse <br /> Notary Public Stste of IA <br /> 9 Notary ID No.64736 <br /> * P14 * Bar No.22798 M Death <br /> '�l4*0* My Comm.Expires Upo Y <br /> Page 8 of 8 <br />