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APPROVED AND AGREED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT <br /> BEFORE ME,the undersigned Notary Public,in the Parish of 06{) er5Cr), <br /> State of Louisiana, personally came and appeared, the president of Billiot Pest Control, who <br /> executed this document in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses, after a due <br /> reading of the whole, this /6 day of OanagrY ,2017. <br /> ,--7 <br /> 75__A <br /> Authorized representative of Billiot Pest Control,Respondent <br /> WITNESSES: <br /> 4140111° <br /> AC"X: -40P <br /> azza2/0._ <br /> Printed NameLrinted Name SIE4W114. C.))/7 <br /> ,i6,47Z‘"6/17-7. A <br /> j," <br /> Printed Name: I—LA:A/C 45 4- \Ar- <br /> ,Neary-Pubtic-Norer Bar Roll No. /2 <br /> Commission expires Wi_71.# 4 I rr- <br /> 6 <br />