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STATE OF LOUISIANA <br /> pf LOpfsf DEPARTMENT OF STATE CIVIL SERVICE <br /> LOUISIANA BOARD OF ETHICS <br /> y P.O.BOX 4368 <br /> BATON ROUGE,LA 70821 <br /> (225)219-5600 <br /> '••�o.••' FAX:(225)381-7271 <br /> 1-800-842-6630 <br /> July 10, 2023 www.ethics.1a.gov <br /> Gary Girard <br /> Fire Chief <br /> Bridge City Volunteer Fire Co. #1 <br /> 2220 Bridge City Avenue <br /> Bridge City, LA 70094 <br /> Re: Docket No. 2023-312 <br /> Advisory Opinion <br /> Dear Chief Girard, <br /> The Louisiana Board of Ethics, at its meeting on July 7, 2023, considered your request for an <br /> advisory opinion regarding whether the Code of Governmental Ethics ("Code") would prohibit a <br /> volunteer fireman of the Bridge City Volunteer Fire Co. #1 ("Fire Company") from being <br /> appointed to the Board of Directors of the Fire Company. <br /> FACTS PROVIDED <br /> Eugene Jones retired on March 21,2023 as a compensated fireman from the Bridge City Volunteer <br /> Fire Co. #1. Eugene Jones is currently a volunteer fireman with the Fire Company. A position on <br /> the Board of Directors of the Fire Company is vacant and Mr. Jones would like to be appointed to <br /> the Board of Directors of the Fire Company. <br /> LAw <br /> La. R.S. 42:1113A(1)(a) No public servant, excluding any legislator and any appointed member <br /> of any board or commission and any member of a governing authority of a parish with a population <br /> of ten thousand or less, or member of such a public servant's immediate family, or legal entity in <br /> which he has a controlling interest shall bid on or enter into any contract, subcontract, or other <br /> transaction that is under the supervision or jurisdiction of the agency of such public servant. <br /> La. R.S. 42:1123(35) provides that any volunteer fireman or uncompensated law enforcement <br /> officer or legal entity in which he has an interest may bid on or enter into a contract, subcontract, <br /> or other transaction under the supervision and jurisdiction of his agency; provided the volunteer <br /> fireman or uncompensated law enforcement officer shall receive no compensation or thing of <br /> economic value for his service as a volunteer fireman or uncompensated law enforcement officer, <br /> that the volunteer fireman or uncompensated law enforcement officer shall not be an agency head, <br /> and that the volunteer fireman or uncompensated law enforcement officer shall not participate on <br /> behalf of his agency in any capacity regarding such contract, subcontract, other transaction. <br /> Page 1 of 3 (BD 2023-312) <br /> AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER <br />