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STATE OF LOUISIANA <br /> o'pF tiouf% DEPARTMENT OF STATE CIVIL SERVICE <br /> flc S/til LOUISIANA BOARD OF ETHICS <br /> • <br /> '"' P.O.BOX 4368 <br /> BATON ROUGE,LA 70821 <br /> "Rio " (225)219-5600 <br /> FAX:(225)381-7271 <br /> 1-800-842-6630 <br /> www.ethics.state.la.us <br /> March 21, 2016 <br /> Patrick L. Keller <br /> 4021 Monte Vista Drive <br /> Addis, LA 70710 <br /> Re: Ethics Board Docket No. 201.5-1388 <br /> Dear Mr. Keller: <br /> The Louisiana Board of Ethics, at its March 18, 2016 meeting, considered your request for an <br /> advisory opinion concerning the post-employment restrictions that would apply to you as a <br /> former public employee. You stated that you were employed as a staff attorney for the Division <br /> of Administration, Office of Community Development in 2006 working primarily on Disaster <br /> Recovery Housing Programs until you were transferred to the Office of General Counsel within <br /> the Division of Administration on July 1, 2013. You also stated that while employed with the <br /> Office of General Counsel, you performed legal work including reviewing legislative bills, <br /> responding to public records requests, and assisting with the defense of lawsuits involving the <br /> Office of Community Development. Finally, you stated that on August 22, 2014, you left state <br /> employment and returned to the private sector and are now considering working for companies <br /> that may provide private consulting services to your former agency. <br /> The Board concluded and instructed me to inform you that, generally, La. R.S. 42:1121 of the <br /> Code of Governmental Ethics contains the post-employment restrictions for former public <br /> employees. Section 1121B of the Code prohibits a former public employee, for a period of two <br /> years following the termination of his public employment, from assisting another person, for <br /> compensation, in a transaction, or in an appearance in connection with a transaction in which the <br /> former public employee participated at any time during his public employment and involving the <br /> governmental entity by which he was formerly employed, or from rendering, on a contractual <br /> basis to or for the agency with which he was formerly employed, any service which such former <br /> public employee had rendered to the agency during the term of his public employment. In <br /> addition, Section 1121C of the Code prohibits any entity in which you are an officer, director, <br /> trustee, partner, or employee for a period of two years following the termination of your public <br /> employment, from assisting another person, for compensation, in a transaction or in an <br /> appearance in connection with a transaction in which you participated at any time during your <br /> public employment and which involves your former public employer. <br /> AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER <br />