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A. If an investigation pursuant to R.S. 42:1141 reveals that any public <br /> servant or other person has violated any law within the jurisdiction of the <br /> board to his economic advantage, the board may order the payment of <br /> penalties. Recovery may include, in addition to an amount equal to such <br /> economic advantage, penalties not to exceed one half of the amount of the <br /> economic advantage. . . <br /> X. <br /> As evidenced by his signature below,Kivett's Electrical Heating and Cooling Services <br /> knowingly and of its own free will (a) agrees that the violation is factually supported by stated <br /> facts herein; (b) agrees that it violated La. R.S. 42:1113A(1)(a); (c) acknowledges that upon its <br /> representive's signature being affixed to this consent decree, this document will be available to <br /> the public as a public record; (d) agrees that this order and decree is fmal and waives its right of <br /> appeal or to otherwise seek a return of the payment of the penalty; and (e) agrees to pay the <br /> penalty assessed herein and otherwise to comply with any other term or condition in the <br /> following order and decree. <br /> Page 3 of 6 <br />