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Chapter 14. Disqualification Pursuant to the Provisions of <br /> Section 1112(C) of the <br /> Code of Governmental Ethics <br /> §1401. Application <br /> A. Every public employee,excluding an appointed member of any board or commission, shall disqualify himself <br /> from participating in a transaction involving the governmental entity when a violation of Section 1112 of the Code <br /> of Governmental Ethics would result. <br /> AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.42:1134(A). <br /> HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Civil Service,Board of Ethics,LR 23:1300(October 1997). <br /> §1402. Reporting Requirements; General <br /> A. Every public employee, except an agency head, upon determining that he may be compelled to participate in <br /> a transaction involving the governmental entity in violation of Section 1112 of the Code of Governmental Ethics, <br /> shall immediately,and prior to such participation,report the details of the transaction,in writing,to: <br /> 1. his immediate supervisor, <br /> 2. his agency head,and <br /> 3. to the board. <br /> B. Every agency head, upon determining that he may be compelled to participate in a transaction involving the <br /> governmental entity in violation of Section 1112 of the Code of Governmental Ethics,shall immediately,and prior to <br /> such participation,report the details of the transaction, in writing,to his appointing authority and to the board. <br /> AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.42:1134(A). <br /> HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Civil Service,Board of Ethics,LR 23:1300(October 1997). <br /> §1403. Reporting Requirements; Impact on Governmental Entity and Alternative Measures <br /> A. Upon receipt of such written communication from the public employee, the immediate supervisor of the <br /> public employee, as well as the agency head(or appointing authority, if applicable), shall immediately, and prior to <br /> such participation by the public employee,provide the board, in writing, with a report concerning the impact on the <br /> efficient operation of the governmental entity of the potential participation by the public employee and shall provide <br /> the board with reports as to alternative measures available to the public employee to prevent participation in the <br /> prohibited transaction. <br /> AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.42:1134(A). <br /> HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Civil Service,Board of Ethics,LR 23:1300(October 1997). <br /> §1404. Action by the Board <br /> A. The proposed disqualification procedure shall be implemented by the public employee and his immediate <br /> supervisor, and the public employee shall otherwise refrain from participating in the potential transaction until such <br /> time as the board has, in writing,provided the public employee,his immediate supervisor,and his agency head with <br /> instructions as to the procedure to avoid participation in the prohibited transaction. <br /> AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.42:1134(A). <br /> HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Civil Service,Board of Ethics,LR 23:1300(October 1997). <br />