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APPROVED AND AGREED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT <br /> BEFORE ME,the undersigned Notary Public,in the Parish of U 09i O YZ , <br /> State of Louisiana, personally came and appeared Regan Pyle, who executed this document in <br /> the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses, after a due reading of the whole, this <br /> 1( day of ac. ,2016. <br /> f‘2 <br /> Re:. - ' le,Resp•• ent <br /> WITNESSES: e - <br /> 6r4t-121112.110.-- --It., , ...,s <br /> j (0, <br /> rPrinted Name: i�C 1 L�/7 Printed Name: .t .* ILS it I <br /> Notary Pubes 1 Sh .M�, <br /> Printed Name: � <br /> Notary Public No.or Bar Roll No. b(t Q2.(l g <br /> Commission expires '`t"'' <br /> 5 <br />