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APPROVED AND AGREED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT <br /> BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, in the Parish of.,,St -ich,L` 15 tate of <br /> Louisiana, personally came and appeared KURT BECNEL, who executed this document in the <br /> presence of the undersigned competent witnesses, after a due reading of the whole, the 1)fig day of <br /> j905 q,s,T , 2016. <br /> WITNESSES: <br /> NN4g 4.G Ckk. 40 <br /> Printed Name: She(G 1.-e64 KURT BECNEL,Respondent <br /> ./ '.1 1(A <br /> Tinted Name: 5. I :(4- <br /> Not Public <br /> Printed Name: 1-1,1,)1-01) `- i i. f <br /> Notary Public No. or Bar Roll No.:7P-tit -of <br /> Commission expires I — 3 I-DE9 3c <br /> of Lop Justice of the Peace <br /> '`t`""t ' District 1 <br /> * a, <br /> 'BUN' <br /> °aNN rA Hasten B ' "wls Jr.•'. •48.01 <br /> Page 5of5 <br />