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Ethics Board Docket No. 2021-591 <br /> Page 3 of 9 <br /> Executive Officer amounts totaling more than $40,000 and $70,000, respectively. From January <br /> 19 2021 through April 1, 2021, the Academy paid Dr. Richardson for her service as its Chief <br /> Executive Officer amounts totaling $26,300. <br /> 4. <br /> The St. Tammany Parish Early Childhood Community Network (the "Network") is a <br /> collaboration between the School Board, the federal Head Start Program, and certain local child <br /> care centers. <br /> 5. <br /> At all times from January 1, 2019 through April 1, 2021, the Academy was a child care <br /> center participating in the Network. <br /> 6. <br /> As a participant in the Network, the Academy received support from the School Board <br /> through director training and resources. Such support included classroom observations, teacher <br /> training, curriculum materials, and sanitizing supplies and cloth masks. <br /> 7. <br /> The Academy withdrew as a participant in the Network effective April 1, 2021. <br /> 8. <br /> If called to testify, Dr. Richardson would state that she did not intend to violate the Ethics <br /> Code, particularly, Section I I IIC(2)(d). <br /> IV. <br /> PROVISIONS OF LAW: <br /> 1. <br /> Section I I I IC(2)(d) of the Ethics Code provides that no public servant and no legal entity <br />