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However, to the extent this request does not address a specific potential conflict under La. R.S. <br /> 42:1121A(1), the Board declined to render an opinion that any particular work will or will not <br /> violate the post-employment provisions of the Code. Should a specific situation arise that presents <br /> a potential violation of the Code, an updated advisory opinion should be sought. <br /> ISSUE N0.2: POST-EMPLOYMENT RESTRICTIONS ON FISHMAN HAYGOOD <br /> La. R.S. 42:1121C provides that "[n]o legal entity in which a former public servant is an officer, <br /> director,trustee, partner, or employee shall, for a period of two years following the termination of <br /> his public service, assist another person, for compensation, in a transaction, or in an appearance in <br /> connection with a transaction in which such public servant at any time participated during his <br /> public service and involving the agency by which he was formerly employed or in which he <br /> formerly held office."La. R.S. 42:1102(19)defines"public servant"to include an elected official. <br /> Also, La. R.S. 42:1102 defines "participate" to mean to take part in or to have or share <br /> responsibility for action of a governmental entity or a proceeding, personally, as a public servant <br /> of the governmental entity, through approval, disapproval, decision, recommendation, the <br /> rendering of advice, investigation, or the failure to act or perform a duty. <br /> The Board considered the provisions of the proposed contract between John Bel Edwards and <br /> Fishman Haygood. Based on these specific provisions, the Board determined that Governor <br /> Edwards is not an officer, director, trustee, partner, or employee of Fishman Haygood for the <br /> specific purpose of La. R.S. 42:1121C. Accordingly, the Board determined that based on these <br /> specific facts, La. R.S. 42:1121C does not prohibit Fishman Haygood from assisting clients in <br /> transactions involving the executive branch of the State of Louisiana. The Board noted that any <br /> substantial changes to the proposed contract could change the analysis and application of La. R.S. <br /> 42:1121C. <br /> However, in light of the Board's decision that La. R.S. 42:1121C does not prohibit Fishman <br /> Haygood from assisting third parties involving the executive branch of the State of Louisiana,the <br /> Code provides an additional restriction on Governor Edwards. La. R.S. 42:1121D provides that <br /> "[n]o former public servant shall.share in any compensation received by another person for <br /> assistance which such former public servant is prohibited from rendering by this Section." <br /> Accordingly, Governor Edwards is prohibited from sharing in any compensation received by <br /> Fishman Haygood for transactions involving the executive branch, when La. R.S. 42:1121A(1) <br /> prohibits him from providing such assistance or services on those matters. <br /> ISSUE No.3: ONE-YEAR CONTRACTUAL PROHIBITION ON GOVERNOR EDWARDS <br /> The Code provides an additional restriction on Governor Edwards after his service as Governor, <br /> as La. R.S. 42:11131)(3)prohibits the former Governor,his spouse,or any legal entity in which he <br /> or his spouse owns an interest in excess of 5%, from entering into a contract with the State of <br /> Louisiana for one year after the Governor's term of office ends. <br /> Page 3 of 4(BD 2023-1076) <br />