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Ethics Board Docket No. 2021-144 <br /> Page 5 of 8 <br /> has a direct interest. A transaction involving the agency of a governmental entity <br /> shall have the same meaning with respect to the agency. <br /> V. <br /> OPINION: <br /> It is the opinion of the BOE that the Board of Aldermen exercises the legislative functions <br /> of the Town of Cotton Valley. As such, Reginald Shaw's agency is the Town of Cotton Valley <br /> pursuant to La. R.S. 42:1102(2)(a)(vi). It is further the opinion of the BOE that George Shaw Jr, <br /> is the brother of Reginald Shaw, thus making him an immediate family member pursuant to La. <br /> R.S. 42:1102(13). <br /> As a result, it is the opinion of the BOE that George Shaw Jr. violated La. R.S. <br /> 42:1113(A)(1)(a)when he entered into a contract under the supervision or jurisdiction of the Town <br /> of Cotton Valley on March 13, 2018 to provide services as the Public Works Director while his <br /> brother, Reginald Shaw, served as an elected member of the Town of Cotton Valley Board of <br /> Aldermen. <br /> If this matter proceeded to a public hearing before the Ethics Adjudicatory Board("EAB") <br /> and the EAB found a violation of the Ethics Code, the EAB could impose a fine of up to $10,000 <br /> pursuant to La. R.S. 42:1153. Additionally, the EAB could impose a civil penalty up to 1.5 times <br /> the amount of the illegal gain,pursuant to La. R.S. 42:1155. <br /> In this particular matter, the party has agreed to resolve this matter amicably. Therefore, it <br /> is the conclusion of the BOE that the interests of the public and judicial efficiency would be served <br /> through the publication of this Consent Opinion with the imposition of a $1,000 civil penalty <br /> against George Shaw, Jr. <br />