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Ethics Board Docket No.2022-251 <br /> Page 5 of 8 <br /> such particular matter which the public servant or former public servant of the governmental entity <br /> in question knows or should know: <br /> (a) Is,or will be, the subject of action by the governmental entity. <br /> (b)Is one to which the governmental entity is or will be a party. <br /> (c) Is one in which the governmental entity has a direct interest. A transaction <br /> involving the agency of a governmental entity shall have the same meaning with respect to the <br /> agency. <br /> V. <br /> OPINION: <br /> It is the opinion of the BOE that Dan Ford violated La. R.S. 42:1113A by entering into <br /> transactions with his daughter's agency, Youree Drive Middle School. <br /> Therefore, it is the conclusion of the BOE that the interests of the public and judicial <br /> efficiency would be served through the publication of this Consent Opinion with the imposition of <br /> no civil penalty against Dan Ford. <br /> VI. <br /> ORDER: <br /> For the foregoing reasons: <br /> IT IS ORDRED that Dan Ford, violated La. R.S. 42:1113A by entering into transactions <br /> that were under the supervision or jurisdiction of his daughter's agency, Youree Drive Middle <br /> School. <br /> [SIGNATURES CONTAINED ON FOLLOWING PAGES] <br />