
Recent News
The next Board of Ethics meeting is scheduled for August 1 - 2, 2024.

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Announcement 1 of 2

Message from Lobbying

Due to the upcoming Legislative term and if you intend to renew your registration for 2024, you are required to upload a new picture (not older than 6 months) directly to your lobbying profile/online system. It must be a picture that has not previously been uploaded to your lobbying profile. It cannot be a similar picture used in a previously used head shot series. Feel free to upload your picture by December 1 prior to the date re-registration opens.

***As of July 1, 2023, the limit for food, drink or
refreshments is $77.***

Online Filing Notification

Please be advised that beginning January 1, 2009 all lobbying forms will be filed online at the Ethics Administration Program’s Lobbyist Online System.

Lobbying Training Requirements:
R.S. 42:1170(4)(a) – Commencing on January 1, 2009, each lobbyist registered pursuant to the provisions of Part III of Chapter 1 of Title 24 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 relative to lobbying of the legislature shall receive a minimum of one hour of education and training on such provisions and on the provisions of the Code of Governmental Ethics which the Board of Ethics determines are relevant to such a lobbyist during each year the lobbyist is registered.

R.S. 42:1170(4)(b) – Commencing on January 1, 2009, each lobbyist registered pursuant to the provisions of Part IV of Chapter 1 Title 49 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 relative to lobbying of executive branch agencies shall receive a minimum of one hour of education and training on such provisions and on the provisions of the Code of Governmental Ethics which the Board of Ethics determines are relevant to such lobbyist during each year such lobbyist is registered.

For information on this training, please contact our office, at 225-219-5600.

View Reports : Lobbyist registration and expenditure reports from January 1, 2009.
Lobbyist Online System : Register as a lobbyist or enter expenditure reports.
Filing Deadlines : View current deadlines for filing lobbying expenditure reports.
Related Laws : Laws pertaining to lobbying.
Lobbyist Opinions : Rulings by the Louisiana Board of Ethics regarding the Lobbyist Disclosure Act.
View Outstanding Fines : View list of persons who have failed to pay late fees related to Lobbying.
Current Lobbyists : List of Current Lobbyists and the companies they represent.
Seminar Schedule : List of seminars hosted by the Louisiana Board of Ethics and links to register for upcoming seminars.
FAQs : A list of frequently asked questions about lobbying in the state of Louisiana.
Fines Payment Center : Online payment center for paying lobbying fines and late fees.
File Upload (Fax Alternative) : This upload page is intended to be used as an alternative to faxing lobbying e-filing affidavits to the Ethics Administration.